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Vanishing Point

Thesaurus .com describes the Phrase “Vanishing Point” as “point of disappearance, cessation or extinction”. It is up to you which of those you would care to apply to the Natsi Party at the moment, but clearly one of these, or possibly all of them would be appropriate at this point in time.

First it was Woodlouse with his fairy tale about the Invisible Homeless Man and his complete disregard for the health of Kiwis by holding back info about the two ladies (who lunched) in order to play “Gotcha Politics.

Then it was Walk-On and the Bogey with their dirty tricks snafu at which point Woodlouse crawled out again and was found to have sat upon more information that he should have passed on to the Health Minister or the Prime Minister.

That was soon followed by the first of a raft of resignations including the Mullet, who played his part in attempting to deny the bleeding obvious and then tossed his toys out of the cot and slithered under the flat stone from which he had earlier emerged after admitting that he didn’t actually have that steel he had earlier claimed to possess.

Next it was Little Bo Tox coming out swinging like a punch drunk old slugger only to be TKO’d by Falloonatic who has been outed as low-level perve who continued to try and justify his actions because he was ‘going through a tough time’, and yet failed to mention something he is now finding even more damning, such as the serial nature of his behaviour. He has played the rather dubious mental health card, but even the top brass at the main support group for mental health doesn’t accept that as an excuse for his grubby activities. I am expecting his next excuse to be that he was really just trying a movie distribution business idea. Anyway, he has gone very rapidly from Parliament, but we will hear much more about him over the next few weeks while the Rozzers make inquiries into his sleazefest.

The caucasualty of 55 is now in ICU and looks set to reach the Vanishing Point long before the election.

So why has this situation sped up so much in the last week or two? One theory is that Little Bo Tox has been using too much vanishing cream and has begun to get rid of her colleagues along with her wrinkles. This theory gains even more credence when you realise that the Party doesn’t seem to have any cogent policies for how they are going to run the country better than the incumbent Government.

As a result of the sackings and resignations, candidates for the Nats to stand in in about 60 days’ time must also be getting close to the Vanishing Point. Meanwhile Billy Bunter is not helping their cause by getting aggressive with Lisa Owen on Checkpoint and dissing her listeners. How To Win Friends and Influence Voters 101?

But I just can’t resist the opportunity to add a little side note to all of this. The Press are so full of themselves that they think that nobody knew Muller would jump. They come to this conclusion simply because (a) they can’t imagine that anybody else will see what they didn’t and (b) they are not tuning into THIS Channel. On 13 July at 7.10 am as an introduction to my piece entitled Smoke & Mirrors, The Art of Political Deception, my publisher and old mate The Writerman, said, “Has there ever been a more bumbling start to a new leader’s rein?” (sic – he sometimes makes mistakes like that, but I love him for it). “He’ll be lucky if he even makes it to polling night”.

So there! You heard it first and fast on this radio station and I also predicted Walk-On would be gone by lunchtime, several hours before he actually was.

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